Cancer Studies and Therapeutics (ISSN: 2771-7933)

Cancer Studies and Therapeutics (ISSN: 2771-7933)

Cancer Studies and Therapeutics (CST) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal with broad scope covering all zones of cancer research, especially novel concepts, new methods, new regimens, new therapeutic agents, and alternative approaches for early detection and intervention of cancer. CST publishes interesting and informative reviews on any topic connected with oncology, and considers any original research contribution that advocates change in, or illuminates, oncological clinical practice.

The Journal is supported by an international editorial board consisting of a distinguished team of cancer researchers. CST aims at rapid publication of high quality results in cancer research while maintaining rigorous peer-review process.

All the types of articles like Research paper, Case Report, Short research communication, Review, Hypothesis, Method and protocol, new instruments and regimens, Letter to the editor are accepted. With a large international editorial board of experts who are leaders in their fields, CST aims at delivering the best communication on the fast moving, and continually evolving, global oncology landscape.

Papers on more general aspects of interest to the radiation oncologist including chemotherapy, surgery and immunology are also published. Papers are accepted on a worldwide basis. CST welcomes direct submissions of manuscripts from authors.

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Editorial Board

Editors In Chief

Prof. Xiaoming Li, Ph.D.
Professor and Director,
Department of Otolaryngology
Head and Neck Surgery,
Bethune International Peace Hospital,

Dr. William Cho, Ph.D.
RCMP, FHKIMLS, Chartered Scientist (UK), FHKSMDS, FIBMS (UK)
Department of Clinical Oncology,
Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
Hong Kong,

Prof. Raymond Miralbell

HOD of Radiation Oncology Service,
University Hospitals of Geneva,
Associate Professor of Radiology Department,
Faculty of Medicine,University of Geneva,

Dr.Jeng-Shing Wang, M.D., M.Sc., F.C.C.P

Assistant Professor,
Internal Medicine Department,
Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

Prof. Tadeusz Robak, MD, Ph.D.

Department of Hematology,
Medical University of Lodz,
Copernicus Memorial Hospital

Dr.Gregory Lee,Ph.D

UBC Center for Reproductive Health,
University of British Columbia,

Dr.Yusuf Tutar

Department of Basic Sciences,
Biochemistry Division,
Cumhuriyet University,

Dr.Pranela Rameshwar

Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School,
South Orange Avenue, New Jersey,

Dr.Chandrasekar Balachandran

Department of Hematology,
Fujita Health University,
Dengakugakubo, Kutsukake-cho
Toyoake, Aichi

Prof. Katarzyna Wozniak

Head of Department of Molecular Genetics,
Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection,
University of Lodz,

Dr.Agostino Pozzi

Faculty of Medicine,
Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery,
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University,
Milan, ITALY

Prof. Lei Han

Lab of Neuro-oncology,
Tianjin Neurological Institute
Department of Neurosurgery,
Tianjin Medical University General Hospital

Dr. George Kordas

National Center for Scientific Research,
Institute of Materials Science,

Dr.Luca Antonioli

Division of Chemotherapy,
Division of Pharmacology,
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine,
University of Pisa,

Dr.Dah-Yuu Lu

Associate Professor,
Graduate Institute of Neural and Cognitive Sciences, China Medical University, Taiwan

Prof. Miguel Lopez-Lazaro, Ph.D.

Faculty of Pharmacy,
Department of Pharmacology,
University of Seville,

Dr.Claudio Festuccia

Department of Experimental Medicine,
University of L’Aquila,

Dr.Zsuzsa Bagoly

Faculty of Medicine,
Division of Clinical Laboratory Sciences,
University of Debrecen,

Dr.Athanasios Papatsoris

Assistant Professor of Urology,
University Department of Urology,
Sismanoglio General Hospital, Athens,

Prof. James L Figarola, Ph.D.

Department of Diabetes & Metabolic Disease Research, Beckman Research Institute,
City of Hope National Medical Center,
“NCI Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center”,
Durate, USA

Dr.Clay J Cockerell, MD

Clinical Professor,
Department of Dermatology and Pathology,
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,

Dr.Mohd Jamal Dar

Senior Scientist,
Cancer Pharmacology Division,
Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM),
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research-CSIR)

Dr.Jose Manuel Gomez Saez

Chief Clinician,
Department of Endocrinology,
Bellvitge University Hospital, Barcelona
Professor, Barcelona University,

Dr.Shairaz Baksh

Associate Professor,
Department of Radiology,
Department of Experimental Oncology,
University of Alberta,Edmonton,

Prof. Bo Jin

Department of Gastroenterology,
The 309th Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Beijing,

Prof. Alexios Strimpakos, MD, MRCP, PhD

Head of 4th Oncology Department,
Athens Euro clinic,

Dr.Yen-Hao Chen

Assistant Professor,
Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Augusta University,

Dr.Manasmita Das

Department of Neurology & Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC),
University of North Carolina,

Dr.Zorica Brdareski

Assistant Professor,
Medical School of Military Medical Academy,
Belgrade, Serbia,

Prof. Lin Wang, MD, Ph.D.,

AACR Membership,
Professor of Hepatobiliary Surgery,
Vice president of the Second Affiliated Hospital,
Kunming Medical University,

Chun LIANG, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Division of Life Science
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong Kong, China

Vincenzo Borgna Christie MD, PhD

Research Associate, Adjunct Professor
Immunoncology Lab & Andes Biotechnologies
Chile, USA

Quintino Giorgio D’Alessandris

Department of Neurosurgery
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario “A. Gemelli” IRCCS
Largo A. Gemelli
Rome, Italy

Published Articles

Demographic and Clinicopathological Evaluation of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma in Bangladesh at a Tertiary Level Hospital

Syeeda Shiraj-Um-Mahmuda, Ferdousy Begum, Md. Mosiur Rahman, Papiya Rahman, Tasmia Islam et al.

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2023811

Ambivalent and Conjectural-Synovial Sarcoma

Anubha Bajaj

Editorial – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2022734

Continuation of Temozolomide Chemotherapy in a Glioblastoma Patient After Resolution of COVID-19 Infection

Jigisha P. Thakkar MD, Arowa Abusubha MD, Tahaamin Shokuhfar MD, Douglas Anderson MD Kevin Barton MD and Vikram C. Prabhu MD

Case Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2022732

Assistance to Patients with Terminal Cancer in the Last 30 Days Prior to Death: Differences in the Care of the Usual Health Care Units and a Palliative Care Unit

Renata de Freitas, Renata de Souza-Silva, Gabriele Vigo and Lívia Costa de Oliveira PhD

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2022731

Learning US Assisted Neuraxial Technique during a Pandemic: Case Report

Martin May, Galitzine and Matthews J

Review Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2022714

Efficacy, Safety and Affordability Disparities of Gastrointestinal Cancer Changing Plans of Treatment of Cancer Patients

Rasha Aboelhassan, SohaAli, Mohamed Hassan Ali and Noura Anwar Abdel-Fatah

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2022713

Opinion: Why Should We Care about Endocrine Disruptors?

Lyuba Varticovski, Diana A. Stavreva and Gordon L. Hager

Opinion Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2022711

A Retrospective Single Center Study Investigating the Clinical Significance of Grade in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Sarang Upneja, Abdulkadir Hussein, Devinder Moudgil, Swati Kulkarni, Rasna Gupta, et al.

Research Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2021633

Cancer Donation: Integrating Homo emotionalis with Homo economicus

Howard Moskowitz, Steven Onufrey, David Moskowitz, Hollis Belger and Laura E. Rodriguez

Research Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2021632

Huge Retroperitoneal Mass: Ginecologic-Type Leiomyoma

Rocio Bruballa, Ignacio Fuente and Axel Beskow

Case Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2021631

Psychological Responses of Patients Receiving a Diagnosis of Adenocarcinoma

Rabia Haddad RN MSN, CNS-PMHN

Case Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2021622

Intralesional Therapy in Oncology: A New Vision of a Classic Treatment

Manuel Sureda, Vanesa Escudero-Ortiz, Elena Martínez-Navarro and Joseba Rebollo

Review Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2021621

Effects of a Symbiotic on the Quality of Life of Elderly Patients with Breast Cancer: a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial

Rossi C, Filippone A, Rossi MM, Guarino D, Magno S, Lissoni P, Scarpa S, Marchiori P, Vigliar P, Hiroaki Maeda and Messina G

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2021613

Incidence and Factors of Prolonged Postoperative Ileus in Gastric Cancer Surgery

Wang Ning, Chen Runkai, Cui Hao and Zheng Yiqiong

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2021612

Marking with a Dye to Visualize the Limits of Resection in Breast Conserving Surgery

Sidy Ka, Mamadou M Dieng, Jaafar Thiam, Adja Coumba Diallo, Yaye C Diouf, Yacine Mbacké, Michel Mouelle, Doudou Diouf and Ahmadou Dem

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020544

Smaller and Small: Strategies to Iterate to Knowledge about the Granular Aspects of Donations

Hollis Belger, Ariola Harizi, Sophia Davidov, Pnina Deitel and Howard Moskowitz

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020543

Current Utility of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Mark Jaradeh, Brett Curran and Wickii T Vigneswaran

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020542

Dosimetric Comparison and Clinical Toxicity in Cervical Cancer Patients Treated with Intensity- Modulated and Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy: Real-World Data

Emmanuel Kwateng Drokow, Zi Liu, Tao Wang, Jin Su, Wei Yuan, Fan Shi, Yi Li, Evans Sasu, Lanlan Xu and Gloria Selorm Akpabla

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020541

COVID-19 and Oncological Health Workers: Psychological Reactions and Interventions

Costantini A, Mazzotti E and Marchetti P

Review ArticleCancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020524

ACBD3, Its Cellular Interactors, and Its Role in Breast Cancer

Jack Houghton-Gisby and Amanda J. Harvey

Review ArticleCancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020523

Practice and Reflection on the Ethical Review on Covid-19 Pandemic

Xiaobo Wang, Minghui Zhu, Xiaoying Mo, Yiqiang Yuan, Xia Gao, Juntang Yang, Kai Xu, Pan Xin, Lan Wang and Guoying Yu

Review ArticleCancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020522

Trials of Low Dose Cytostatic Drugs in Severe Covid-19 Should Be Considered

Håkan Olsson, Olof Hjorthorn and Ilva Bostedt

Editorial letterCancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020521

Gastrointestinal Clear Cell Sarcoma Tumour of the Caecum: Case Report and Review Literature

Idoia Bonet, Eulalia Ballester, Silvia Bagué, Ana Sebio, Vicente Artigas, Antonio Moral, José Antonio Gonzalez

Case ReportCancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020514

Heparan Sulfate-Modifying Enzymes: Intriguing Players in Cancer Progression

Fabio Henrique Brasil da Costa, Mary C Farach-Carson and Daniel D Carson

Short Commentary – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020513

The Anger Felt by Cancer Patients. It Could Be An Unexpected Obstacle To The Treatment Path?

Mazzotti Eva, Sebastiani Claudia, Marchetti Paolo

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020512

The Addition of Valproic Acid to Concurrent Radiation Therapy and Temozolomide Improves Patient Outcome: A Correlative Analysis of RTOG 0525, SEER and A Phase II NCI Trial

Andra V. Krauze, Megan Mackey, Theresa Cooley-Zgela, Peter Mathen, Joanna H. Shih, Philip J. Tofilon, Lindsay Rowe, Mark Gilbert, Kevin Camphausen

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020511

CD44 cleavage product CD44-intracellular domain regulates gene transcription and tumorigenesis

Linda T. Senbanjo and Meenakshi A. Chellaiah

Mini Review – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019445

New Directions in Cancer Therapy – Peptide Targeting Therapy

Chin-Tarng Lin

Mini Review – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019444

Renal Mucinous Tubular and Spindle Cell Carcinoma: A Report of Two Cases and Literature Review

Giulia de Assis Queiroz, Rafael Shiguetaro Lemos Sudo, Thales Junqueira Oliveira, William Nicoleti Turazza da Silva, Bruno de Carvalho Dornelas

Case Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019443

Metastatic Prostate Cancer to the Renal Pelvis and Proximal Ureter: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Faizanahmed Munshi, Brian M. Shinder, Evita Sadimin, Tina M. Mayer and Eric A. Singer

Case Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019442

Nucleolin: a prognostic marker in cancer?

Philippe Bouvet

Commentary – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019441

Open Space Knowledge and Data and Their Influence on Natural Products Based Self-Medication Trends

Grzegorz Grynkiewicz, Wioleta Maruszak

Mini Review – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019435

Patient-oriented Biobanking for Cancer Research

Dr Martin P. Barr

Commentary – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019434

Quantitative Imaging Features of Habitats in Soft Tissue Sarcomas are Associated with Treatment Response: A Pilot Study

Yu-Cherng C. Chang, Jared Mahan, Ty K. Subhawong, Breelyn A. Wilky, Adrian L. Breto, Tejan Diwanji, Raphael Yechieli and Radka Stoyanova

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019433

Ribosomal S6 Kinase 2 Promotes Survival of Triple- Negative Breast Cancer Cells to Apoptotic Stimuli

Savitha Sridharan, Zhenyu Xuan and Alakananda Basu

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019432

At Doctor Level

Antonino Musolino M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc. (Epi)

Letter to The Editor – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019431

Diagnosis of CLABSI from Blood and Needleless Connector Cultures in Patients with Acute Leukemia: a Prospective Cohort Study

Jose Manuel Martinez, Ana Espirito Santo, Filipe Trigo, Diana Ramada, Jose Mario Mariz, Rui Medeiros

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019425

Immune Cytokines for Cancer Therapy

Payal Grover, Juliana J Cui, Yibai Wang, and Hongtao Zhang

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019424

PD-1 Inhibitors: To Go or To Stop? ; Review Articles

A Rasmy, Amal A, Mohamed Mashiaki and Batool Alanizi

Review Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019423

Usability Testing of the Online Stress Management Intervention (STREAM) for Cancer Patients: Results and Implementations

Astrid Grossert, Silvia Heinz, Livia Müller, Jens Gaab, Corinne Urech, Thomas Berger, Viviane Hess

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019422

MN Virus

Raja Tounsi

Short Communication – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019421

Health Threats Awareness – Responses to Warning Messages about Cancer and Smartphone Usage

Gillie Gabay, Attila Gere, Jordan Stanley, Camilla Habsburg-Lothringen, Howard Moskowitz

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019415

The Positive Effect of Skd Plus Iot and Hbo2t In The Treatment Of Cancer [Introducing Sorush Cancer Treatment Protocol (Sctp)]

Somayeh Zaminpira, Sorush Niknamian, Stephanie Seneff, Dominic D’Agostino, Thomas N Seyfried and Angela Poff

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019414

Skin Cancers in Albinos at Surgical Oncology Unit of Donka National Hospital (Conakry)

Bangaly Traore, Aissatou Barry, Tidiane Kourouma, Moussa Keita and Mohamed Cisse

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019413

Development of Synthetic Cell Differentiation Agent Formulations for the Prevention and Therapy of Cancer via Targeting of Cancer Stem Cells

Ming C. Liau, Paul A. Fruehauf, Zhong-Hui Zheng and John P. Fruehauf

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019412

Might Actinomycin be Used to Cure All Cancer?

Henry M. Sobell

Letter to the Editor – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2019411

On the Threshold: What Concerns Healthy People about the Prospect of Cancer?

Gillie Gabay Ph.D, Glenn Zemel M.D, Attila Gere Ph.D, Ryan Zemel, Petraq Papajorgji Ph.D and Howard Moskowitz Ph.D

Review Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018345

Increasing Vigilance by Second Observer during Colonoscopy Improves Adenoma Detection Rate

Muhammad Shehzad Khan Wazir MBBS, Hani A. Zamil MD, Pir Saad MD, Marc F. Catalano MD., FACP, FACG, FASGE, AGAF, NIikolas D. Catalano

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018344

A Parallel Computation Approach to Detailed 3D Modelling of the Complete Oxygen Distribution in Large Tumours

Jakob H. Lagerlöf, Tobias Rydén and Peter Bernhardt

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018343

Single versus Double Chest Tube Drainage after Thoracotomy for Cancer

Christopher P. Gayer, M.D, Ph.D., Frank A. Baciewicz, M.D.

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018342

Results from application of scripted based, algorithmic approach to multi-target SRS planning, evaluation and characterization of volume dependent metrics

Mayo CS, Roberts D, Simiele S, Mikell J, Pillianayagam M, Litzenberg D, Kamp J, Archer P, Yanke B, Wilke J, Younge K

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018335

Liver Honeycomb Sign

Zhong Jia, PhD* and Jia-Qing Huang, MB

Case Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018334

The impact of P-glycoprotein and Midkine on Paclitaxel / Cisplatin Chemoresistance in Ovarian Cancer

Zeliha Karadeniz, Ayhan Bilir, Mehmet Yakup Tuna, and A. Sükrü Aynacioglu

Review Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018333

Tamoxifen, Uterine Corpus Cancer and Breast Cancer

Javier Valdés-Pons, Lucía Cameselle-Cortizo, Beatriz Villar-Fernández, Vanesa Rodríguez-Fernández, Elena Figueiredo- Alonso, Pablo Fernández-Vázquez, Xoán A Ricoy-Lago, Fernando C Schmitt and Jorge F Cameselle-Teijeiro

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018332

Diagnostic Value of Cytotoxic Natural Killer Subpopulations in Malignant Pleural Effusions

Susana Herrera Lara, Estrella Fernández-Fabrellas, Gustavo Juan Samper, Josefa Marco Buades, Rafael Andreu Lapiedra, Amparo Pinilla Moreno, María Morales-Suárez-Varela

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018331

Integrin Inhibition in the Tumor Microenvironment – more complex than expected

Wanessa F Altei and HS Selistre-de-Araujo

Review Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018323

Assessing the Radiation Doses Received by Patients Undergoing Mammography Imaging at Mulago National Referral and Teaching Hospital

Namakula Layila, Kisolo Akisophel, Kisembo Harriet, Nakatudde Rebecca

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018322

Osteosarcoma of Eighth Rib: A Case Report

Amabelle Trina Gerona, Rubi K. Li

Case Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018313

Cushing’s Disease (Micro-Adenoma) Associated with Sudden Blindness in a Dog

Elber Alberto Soler Arias, Victor Alejandro Castillo

Case Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018312

Reduced Burden of Chemotherapy Side-Effects in Patients Receiving Inositol Hexakisphosphate Alone or In Association with Myo-Inositol

Roberto Verna, Alessandro Giuliani, Virginia Todde, Mirko Minini1, Vittorio Unfer

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2018311

Response to Induction Therapy Confers a Significant Survival Benefit in Patients with Resected T4 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Stéphane Collaud, Michaela Horn, Henriette Klein, Hans Gelpke, Ilhan Inci, Didier Schneiter, Isabelle Opitz, Rolf Stahel, Sven Hillinger, Alex Soltermann and Walter Weder

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017283

Potential Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Underlying the Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Tumor Properties of Probiotics: Our Experience

Paola Palumbo, Francesca Lombardi, Zoran Evtoski, Giuseppe Siragusa, Armela Kapaj, Maurizio Giuliani, Maria Grazia Cifone, and Benedetta Cinque

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017281

Useful Anti-Cancer Agents of Natural Product Origin

Evan Martens and Arnold L Demain

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017274

Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Cardiovascular Risk

Kherad B, Spillmann F, Noutsias M, Tschöpe C and Krackhardt F

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017272

A Computer-aided rational approach for the in silico generation of a TCR Peptide Mimetic Pharmacoligand as a potential chemo-modulator in Human Autoimmune Diseases

Grigoriadis Ioannis, Grigoriadis George, Grigoriadis Nikolaos, George Galazios

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

ArthroGenea®-AR is a Mesenchymal stem cells enriched Chondrocytes of ex vivo derived Chondrogenic Autologous Treatment for patients with Cartilage defects and Osteoarthritis

Grigoriadis Ioannis, Grigoriadis George, Grigoriadis Nikolaos, George Galazios

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

Material properties of bovine intervertebral discs across strain rates – dataset

Grigoriadis Ioannis, Grigoriadis George, Grigoriadis Nikolaos, George Galazios

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

The Possibility of Multivisceral Resection for Advanced Gastric Cancer – Case Report

Maksim A Evseev, Yulia L Podberezina and Aleksey L Vladykin

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017264

Forgotten Volkmann Operation (Modified Radical Mastectomy) and its Value in Modern Combined Treatment of Breast Cancer

Valerijus Ostapenko, Andrej Ostapenko and Edvin Ostapenko

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017263

Lymphoma Involving the Heart and Inferior Vena Cava: Radiological and Pathological Approach

Duminda WD, Pathirana KG, Lekamge IN, Weerakoon S, De Silva YAP, Ganewatte E, Appuhamy WNDPC, Parthipan N, Senadeera RL, Jayawickrama M and Gayani GHP

Case Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017262

Discovery of Resistance Pathways to Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Inhibition in Bladder Cancer

Sumanta K Pal, Miaoling He, Jeremy O Jones

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017261

Proposal on Cooperation on 100 Novel Drug Formulas

Grigoriadis Ioannis, Grigoriadis George, Grigoriadis Nikolaos, George Galazios

Drug Formulas – Cancer Stud Ther J

Can Von Neumann’s Theory Meet al-Gly-Gly-Ala-Thr-Thr-Thr-Gly-Val-Thr peptide mimic modulators in α-synucleinopathy interfering amyloidogenesis Quantum Computated pathways?

Grigoriadis Ioannis, Grigoriadis George, Grigoriadis Nikolaos, George Galazios

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

Epigenetics in Cancer: A Review

Nikita Pandya, Robert Hanlon, Andrew Butterfield and Sumati Gupta

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017252

CC-motif Chemokine Ligand 21: immune targeting, head and neck oncology, and future prospective

Karam W Badran, Peter A Pellionisz, Albert Y Han, Edward C Kuan, Alexander N Goel, Sherven Sharma and Maie A St John

Review Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017251

Targeting of the Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia may adversely affect CTLA-4 expression and function

Gary Lynch, Paul Kennedy, Stephen Bergin, Siobhan Glavey, Philip W Murphy, John Quinn, and Philip T Murphy

Short Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

Melanin and Genomic Instability in Human Cancer

Arturo Solís Herrera, María del Carmen Arias Esparza

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017247

Clinical Case of Malignant Acrospiroma, Treatment Results Evaluation

Hojouj Mohammad, I.Bondarenko, V.Zavizion, Urzhumova N, Astakov A, Soloviova N, Bondarenko Y, Stan .N, Elhaj M, Bilinka I

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017242

Systemic Treatment of Breast Cancer Depending on BMI using L-Carnitine

Hojouj Mohammad, I.Bondarenko, V.Zavizion, Urzhumova N, Soloviova N, N.Bondarenko Y, Elhaj M, Bilinka I

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017241

The Study of Somatic Mutations in Human Uterine Leiomyosarcoma

Takuma Hayashi, Tomoyuki Ichimura, Mari Kasai, Hirofumi Ando, Susumu Tonegawa, Yae Kanai, Dorit Zharhary, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Nobuo Yaegashi and Ikuo Konishi

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017233

Surrogate Markers of Liver Fibrosis in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)

Monika Szydlowska-Jakimiuk, Joanna Raszeja-Wyszomirska

Research Articles – Cancer Stud Ther J

Infection Trend, Distribution, and Factors Associated with Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Delaware, 2005-2015

Nhiem Viet Luong, Mamadou Diallo, Laura Gannon, Martin Luta and Awele Maduka-Ezeh

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

Evaluation of antioxidant and polyphenolic content of a Sri Lankan poly herbal formulae and assessment of its in vitro antiproliferative activity on RD and MCF-7 cancer cells compared to healthy CC1 cells

Nekadage Don Amal Wageesha, Preethi Soysa, Keerthi Atthanayake, Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary and Mahinda Ekanayake

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017231

Low-Dose Molecular Breast Imaging Using Tc-99m Sestamibi: The Impact of Isotope Decay, Tracer Washout and Body Habitus on Image Count Density

Benjamin L Welch, Douglas A Kieper, Marcela Böhm-Vélez, Thomas S Chang and Antoinette Cockroft

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017224

Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Hydroxamic Acid Based Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors as Anti-Cancer Agents

Jagadheshan Hiriyan, Govindarajulu Gavara, Ganesh Sambasivam and Sunilkumar Sukumaran

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017223

Bridging the Gap: Incorporating Exercise Evidence into Clinical Practice in Breast Cancer Care in Ontario-A Pilot Randomized Control Trial Protocol

Jenna Smith-Turchyn, Julie Richardson , Richard Tozer , Lehana Thabane , Margaret McNeely

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017222

A Pilot Case-Cohort Study of Lung Cancer in Poultry and Control Workers: Non-Occupational Findings

Nykiconia Preacely, Martha J Felini, Eric S Johnson

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017221

Activation of STAT3 and its impacts on Proteasome Inhibitor-Induced Apoptosis in Laryngeal Sqaumous Carcinoma

Qi Song, Xiaoming Li, Huiping Zhang , Qingjia Sun, Lifeng Jia, Lihong Pi and Xiuying Lu

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017215

Overexpression of IFN-γR Increases the Radiotherapy Resistance of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Gang Peng, Jun Liu, Jie Li, Yan Zong and Xiaofang Dai

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017214

Long Term Results of High Dose Rate Brachytherapy and External Beam Radiotherapy for Local and Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer

Antonio Cassio Assis Pellizzon, Deivid Augusto da Silva, Ricardo Cesar Fogaroli, Maria Leticia Gobo Silva, et al.

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017213

Platinum Plus Gemcitabine as the Most Effective Regimen in the First Line of Chemotherapy in Advanced Squamous Cell Lung Cancer

Villa JC, Espinosa J, López R, Galan R, Sanchez V, Cervera R, Gómez R

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017212

Revisiting ‘what causes cancer?’

Susan Erdman

Letter to the Editor – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2017211

Rare Cause of Pacemaker Lead Interference: Tricuspid Valve Myxoma

Agostino Pozzi, Alessandra Sala, Marco Bartolucci

Case Report – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2016123

Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Advanced Adenocarcinoma of Lung Cancer: Are able to fight the disease or not?

Ayman Rasmy, Samir Fotih, Waleed Selwi and Amal A

Review Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2016122

Programming Of Transcription and HPA Responses to Stress

Robert Skopec

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2016121

LSD2/KDM1B/AOF1 and Human Cancer Pathways: A Literature Review

Vismaya J. Kharkar, Allison Ast, Sumati Gupta and Sunil Sharma

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2016115

Cancer Education in Nigeria: Reflections on a Community-based Intervention by a Physicians’ Association

Kelechi Eguzo, Christie Akwaowo, Uwemedimbuk Ekanem, Catherine Eyo, Emem Abraham

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2016114

Predictors Of Fear Of Recurrence In Breast Cancer Survivors

Cynthia Wan, Kate Silverstein, Isabelle Arès and Catherine Bielajew

Research Article – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2016113

What Is The Main Cause Of Cancer?

Miguel López-Lázaro

Editorial – Cancer Stud Ther J

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2016112

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