Pediatric Studies and Care

Pediatric Studies and Care

Pediatric Studies and Care (PSC) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal with broad scope covering all zones of Pediatrics.

The scope of the journal includes the following topics: Pediatric care, Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric Cardiology, Child Abuse Pediatrics, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric nursing, Childhood diseases, Neonatology, Immunization growth and development, clinical studies, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Pediatric Dermatology Pediatric Hospital Medicine Pediatric Ophthalmology, Pediatric practice, Hospital Medicine, Rare Diseases, Future Therapies in Pediatrics.

The Journal is supported by a Scientific Committee who are prominent world representatives in the field of Pediatrics. PSC aims at rapid publication of high quality results in Pediatrics research area while maintaining rigorous peer-review process.

All the types of articles like Research paper, Case Report, Short research communication, Review, Hypothesis, Method and protocol, new instruments and regimens, Letter to the editor are accepted. With a large international editorial board of experts who are leaders in their fields, PSC aims at delivering the best communication on the fast moving, and continually evolving, Pediatrics Research landscape.

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Open Access Policy: This journal is an open access journal which provides immediate, worldwide, boundary free access to the full content of every distributed article without charging readers or their institutions for access. Readers are given authorization to read, circulate, copy, print, download, search, or link to the full texts of all articles in PSC.

Editorial Board

Editor In Chief

Dr. med. Stefan Bittmann
Head of Ped Mind Institute (PMI)
Master of Arts Complementary Medicine-Cultural Medicine-Healing Art
Medical and Finance Center Epe 48599 Gronau,

Dr. Rohollah Valizadeh

Department of Epidemiology,
Faculty of Health,
Iran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran

Dr. Cintia S. Costa, PhD

Nutritionist -Municipal Department of Education in Porto Alegre
Member of the Nutrition Research Canter

Dr. Sergio Gomez

Stem Cell Unit Dept Director
Hospital de Niños
La Plata, Argentina


Associate Professor in Genetics,
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education,

Dr. Gaoyan Deng

Clinical mentor for resident
Department of Pediatric Surgery,
Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center
Guangzhou, PR

Dr. Hirokazu Kimura

Department of Health Science
Gunma Paz University Graduate School of Health Science
1-7-1, Tonya-machi, Takasaki-shi
Gunma 370-0006

Dr. Gian Maria Pacifici

Associate Professor of Pharmacology,
Department of Pharmacology,
Medical School, University of Pisa,
Pisa, Italy

Dr. Arturo Giustardi

Expert in Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care
Head of Neonatal Care Unit –Clinica Lourdes,

Dr. Dina Vojinovic, MD, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher at Erasmus MC
Rotterdam Area,

Dr. John Lee

Associate Professor
Department of pediatric health care
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
37240, USA

Dr. Beata Cudowska MD, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nutrition and Allergology
Medical University of Białystok,

Chaohong Liu

Department of Pathogen Biology
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
No.13, Hangkong Rd.
Wuhan 430030,

Dr. James Cluster

Assistant Professor,
Department of Pediatrics,
St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA

Dr. Theano Kokkinaki

Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology,
Department of Psychology,
University of Crete, Gallos Campus,

Silvia Aparecida Oesterreich

Director-Federal University of Grande Dourados, Dourados
MS, Brazil

Dr. Stan Wanat

Affiliate, Graduate School of Education
Stanford university
Stanford CA consultant
World Bank, Washington DC, USA

Dr. Emmanouil Sakelliadis

Department of Forensic Medicine, Pediatrics
University of Athens
20 Arachovis Str.
Athens, Greece

Published Articles

A Clinical Study on Hypothyroidism and Early Pregnancy Loss

Jayati Nath, Sadhana Meena and Tuhina Gupta

Research Article – Pediat Stud Care

DOI: 10.31038/PSC.2022214

Fetal and Neonatal Complications of Gestational Diabetes: A Survey in Two Referral Hospitals of Yaoundé, Cameroon

Georges Pius Kamsu Moyo, Carinele Tchinda Tidang, Sonia Zebaze, Raïssa Monayong Mendomo, Laura Kuate Makowa, et al.

Research Article – Pediat Stud Care

DOI: 10.31038/PSC.2022213

Why Diazepam More than Other Benzodiazepines is Unsuitable for Neonates?

Georges Pius Kamsu Moyo, Laura Kuate, Marie Foe Mba, Darelle Komba, Annie Flore Tchougene, et al.

Research Article – Pediat Stud Care

DOI: 10.31038/PSC.2022212

Macrosomia: A Risk Factor of Childhood Obesity: A Case Report with Literature Review

Audrey Therese Mbang, Kamsu Zicfried, Laura Kuate Makowa, Virginie Binda, Sonia Zebaze, et al.

Review Article – Pediat Stud Care

DOI: 10.31038/PSC.2022211

Twins with Juvenile Hyaline Fibromatosis

Gaoyan Deng and Zhijian Deng

Research Article – Pediat Stud Care

DOI: 10.31038/PSC.2021111

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